Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Blogging Is for Sex Addicts

Now that I've got your attention, I can ramble on about how I took a few days off to reconnect with my significant other. Yep, that's for sure. Life is good, but the blogs are all clawing at their cages. Actually, one escaped and is hiding under the bed. I'm going to have to chase it out with a broom.

If you see this and you like my blogs, or one of my blogs, drop me a line and let me know. Or link to me, for goodness' sake. Worlds have been won and lost for the sake of a link. Hey, if you hate me, link to me too. Then you can show all your friends how much I suck.


Rhian said...

by the way - i LOVE this blog. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT. awww shit - i sound like the twinkly-pink Laura girl don't i. Shooting self now.

Blog Collective said...

You LOVE it?? How? Cool.

It's ok. We all hate Laura.